the credit hour system

A - The system of study at Ebla Private University is the credit hour system.

B- The academic year consists of two compulsory semesters and an optional summer semester:

  1. The first semester: compulsory, normal, for a period of 16 weeks, some of which are devoted to exams.
  2. The second semester: compulsory, normal, for a period of 16 weeks, some of which are devoted to exams.
  3. Summer Semester: Intensive elective, lasting 8 weeks.

C- The credit hour means that the student has attended the group over an entire semester for an hour per week for a specific course, or the equivalent practical or applied hours. In all cases, the credit hour account shall not be less than two practical hours.

D- Each study plan shall specify the number of credit hours required to be completed in order to obtain a bachelor's degree, as follows:


credit hours in its minimum and maximum level

credit hours in Ebla University




engineering - architecture

Engineering - Informatics and Communication



Informatics and Communications



Administrative Sciences - Business Administration



Political sciences and International relations



Languages and Humanity sciences




The study plans for each college/major include the following requirements:

A. University requirements: These include compulsory and optional requirements that specify the number of credit hours in the study plans, and they are shown in the following tables.

B. College requirements: These include compulsory and optional requirements whose number of credit hours is determined in the college study plan.

C. Specialized requirements: These include compulsory and optional requirements that specify the number of credit hours in the study service for each specialization.

D. Study plans may include free courses chosen by the student outside the compulsory requirements of his major, provided that the number of credit hours does not exceed 6 hours.

متطلبات الجامعة (18) ساعة معتمدة
متطلبات الجامعة الإجبارية (12) ساعة معتمدة
المقرر اسم المقرر س.م المحاضرات المتطلب السابق التقدير المستوى فصل الطرح لغة التدريس اسم المقرر باللغة الانكليزية الكلية التي يتبعها المقرر
الرقم الرمز نظري عملي ف1 ف2
100 ENG اللغة الانكليزية (1) 3 3 0 /   الأول E English (1) اللغات والعلوم الإنسانية
100 ITC مهارات الحاسوب (1) 3 2 2 /   الأول A Computer Skills (1) الهندسة
100 ARB اللغة العربية 3 3 0 /   الأول A Arabic اللغات والعلوم الإنسانية
100 ACI الثقافة العربية 3 3   /   الأول A Arab Civilization العلوم السياسية والعلاقات الدولية
متطلبات الجامعة الاختيارية (6) ساعة معتمدة
المقرر اسم المقرر س.م المحاضرات المتطلب السابق التقدير المستوى فصل الطرح لغة التدريس اسم المقرر باللغة الانكليزية الكلية التي يتبعها المقرر
الرقم الرمز نظري عملي ف1 ف2
100 ENV المجتمع والبيئة 3 3 0 /   الأول A Society & Enviroment الهندسة
105 ENG اللغة الانكليزية (2) 3 3 0 ENG100   الأول E English (2) اللغات والعلوم الإنسانية
105 ITC مهارات الحاسوب (2) 3 2 2 ITC100   الأول A Computer Skills (2) الهندسة
100 ACI مبادئ الاقتصاد 3 0 0 /   الأول A Basics Of Economics العلوم الإدارية
200 SOI علم الاجتماع السياسي 3 3 0 /   الثاني A Sociopolitical Sciences العلوم الإدارية
100 PSY مدخل إلى علم النفس 3 3 0 /   الأول A Introduction to Psycohlogy اللغات والعلوم الإنسانية
110 ENG اللغة الانكليزية (3) 3 3 0 ENG105   الأول E English (3) اللغات والعلوم الإنسانية
115 ENG اللغة الانكليزية (4) 3 3 0 ENG110   الأول E English (4) اللغات والعلوم الإنسانية
120 BUS مهارات الاتصال 3 3 0 /   الأول A Communication Skills اللغات والعلوم الإنسانية


The student is classified at the second, third, fourth and fifth year levels if he successfully completes the prescribed credit hours according to the following table:

the college Raised to the second year Raised to the third year Raised to the fourth year Raised to the fifth year
the pharmacy 28 64 100 136
Engineering 24 56 88 120
The rest of the colleges 24 56 88 -


A. The years of regular study for obtaining a bachelor’s degree in the different faculties are determined as follows:

 Collage Name Study years
Pharmacy 5 years
Engineering in all its specializations 5 years
Administrative Sciences in all its specializations 4 years


B- A student may not obtain a bachelor’s degree in a period of less than four academic years for colleges where the number of years of regular study is five years, and in a period of less than three and a half academic years in colleges where the regular study years are four years, and each Two summer semesters equivalent to one semester

C- The period a student spends registered to obtain a bachelor’s degree may not exceed eight academic years in colleges where the number of years of regular study is five years, and more than seven years of study in colleges where the number of years of regular study is four years

 D- A transfer student will deduct one semester from the upper limit of the study period to obtain a bachelor’s degree for every 15 credit hours counted for him, whether this transfer is from inside or outside the university.


Withdrawal, addition, academic postponement (freezing), withdrawal from the university, and re-enrollment

First - Withdrawing and adding courses

A- The student has the right to withdraw and add courses within a week from the beginning of the first semester or the second semester and within three days from the beginning of the summer semester, and the courses he has withdrawn are not entered in his academic record.

B - If the student wishes to withdraw or add one or more courses after the end of the add and drop period, he must submit an application according to a form issued by the Student Affairs Department that includes the opinion of the academic supervisor and the dean of the college who decides on the matter, and sends his decision to the Student Affairs Department:

1. If the withdrawal is made during the period before the end of the third week of the beginning of the semester, the student will be refunded 50% of the withdrawn course fee, and this course is not recorded in the student’s academic record.

2. If the withdrawal is made after the end of the third week of the beginning of the semester, a withdrawn grade (W: Withdrawal) is recorded for him next to the withdrawn course in his academic record. The fees for this course are not refunded and it is not included in the calculation of his average.

C- When withdrawing a course, the student's academic load is required to be no less than the minimum required in the semester.

Second - Withdrawal without fail

In the event the student withdraws all his courses within the relevant semester, he is considered frozen for that semester and receives a grade of withdrawn (W) in all the courses withdrawn in that semester. The student pays the full fees for these courses 

Third - Academic Postponement (Freezing)

A- If the student wishes to postpone his studies for a regular semester, he must submit an application according to the form issued by the Student Affairs Department before the end of the add and drop period for this semester after paying the minimum fees for the approved hours.

The student can take advantage of these fees to register during a whole year, and the dean of the college and the university president decide on this request and report it to the Director of Student Affairs, who in turn informs the concerned authorities of this.

B - A student may postpone his studies at the university for a period not exceeding four regular semesters or their equivalent, whether continuous or intermittent.

C- A new or transferring student is not allowed to postpone his studies until after a full regular semester has elapsed since he joined the university.

D- The postponement period is not counted within the period allowed for obtaining the degree of the degree.

Fourth - interruption

If the add and drop period in the regular semester has passed, and the student did not register and did not submit a request to the Student Affairs Department to postpone his studies, he is considered to have dropped out of study, and the phrase “dismissed due to interruption, unless he presents justifications showing the reason for his delay by the end of the week” is recorded in his academic record. The third day of the start of the regular semester, and a specialized academic committee considers his request, and if the student is allowed to register, the fines prescribed for late registration amount to 50% of the course fees. 

Fifthly - Withdrawal from the university:

If the student wishes to withdraw from the university, he must submit an application according to the form issued by the Student Affairs Department, and the phrase “withdrawing from the university” shall be recorded in his academic record.

Sixth: Re-enrollment:

A student withdrawing from the university or dropping out may submit a request to the Student Affairs Department to re-register at the university, provided that no more than three years have passed since his withdrawal or interruption. A specialized academic committee considers his application.

If he is re-enrolled, he will keep his previous academic record in full, provided that he completes the graduation requirements according to the study plan in force at the time of his re-enrollment. re-enroll it.

If the student does not want to keep his previous academic record, he will be re-registered as a new student, and the admission principles and tuition fees will be applied upon his re-registration.



 the credit hour system

A - The system of study at Ebla Private University is the credit hour system.

B- The academic year consists of two compulsory semesters and an optional summer semester:

  1. The first semester: compulsory, normal, for a period of 16 weeks, some of which are devoted to exams.
  2. The second semester: compulsory, normal, for a period of 16 weeks, some of which are devoted to exams.
  3. Summer Semester: Intensive elective, lasting 8 weeks.

C- The credit hour means that the student has attended the group over an entire semester for an hour per week for a specific course, or the equivalent practical or applied hours. In all cases, the credit hour account shall not be less than two practical hours.

D- Each study plan shall specify the number of credit hours required to be completed in order to obtain a bachelor's degree, as follows:


credit hours in its minimum and maximum level

credit hours in Ebla University




engineering - architecture

Engineering - Informatics and Communication



Informatics and Communications



Administrative Sciences - Business Administration



Political sciences and International relations



Languages and Humanity sciences




The study plans for each college/major include the following requirements:

A. University requirements: These include compulsory and optional requirements that specify the number of credit hours in the study plans, and they are shown in the following tables.

B. College requirements: These include compulsory and optional requirements whose number of credit hours is determined in the college study plan.

C. Specialized requirements: These include compulsory and optional requirements that specify the number of credit hours in the study service for each specialization.

D. Study plans may include free courses chosen by the student outside the compulsory requirements of his major, provided that the number of credit hours does not exceed 6 hours.

متطلبات الجامعة (18) ساعة معتمدة
متطلبات الجامعة الإجبارية (12) ساعة معتمدة
المقرر اسم المقرر س.م المحاضرات المتطلب السابق التقدير المستوى فصل الطرح لغة التدريس اسم المقرر باللغة الانكليزية الكلية التي يتبعها المقرر
الرقم الرمز نظري عملي ف1 ف2
100 ENG اللغة الانكليزية (1) 3 3 0 /   الأول E English (1) اللغات والعلوم الإنسانية
100 ITC مهارات الحاسوب (1) 3 2 2 /   الأول A Computer Skills (1) الهندسة
100 ARB اللغة العربية 3 3 0 /   الأول A Arabic اللغات والعلوم الإنسانية
100 ACI الثقافة العربية 3 3   /   الأول A Arab Civilization العلوم السياسية والعلاقات الدولية
متطلبات الجامعة الاختيارية (6) ساعة معتمدة
المقرر اسم المقرر س.م المحاضرات المتطلب السابق التقدير المستوى فصل الطرح لغة التدريس اسم المقرر باللغة الانكليزية الكلية التي يتبعها المقرر
الرقم الرمز نظري عملي ف1 ف2
100 ENV المجتمع والبيئة 3 3 0 /   الأول A Society & Enviroment الهندسة
105 ENG اللغة الانكليزية (2) 3 3 0 ENG100   الأول E English (2) اللغات والعلوم الإنسانية
105 ITC مهارات الحاسوب (2) 3 2 2 ITC100   الأول A Computer Skills (2) الهندسة
100 ACI مبادئ الاقتصاد 3 0 0 /   الأول A Basics Of Economics العلوم الإدارية
200 SOI علم الاجتماع السياسي 3 3 0 /   الثاني A Sociopolitical Sciences العلوم الإدارية
100 PSY مدخل إلى علم النفس 3 3 0 /   الأول A Introduction to Psycohlogy اللغات والعلوم الإنسانية
110 ENG اللغة الانكليزية (3) 3 3 0 ENG105   الأول E English (3) اللغات والعلوم الإنسانية
115 ENG اللغة الانكليزية (4) 3 3 0 ENG110   الأول E English (4) اللغات والعلوم الإنسانية
120 BUS مهارات الاتصال 3 3 0 /   الأول A Communication Skills اللغات والعلوم الإنسانية


The student is classified at the second, third, fourth and fifth year levels if he successfully completes the prescribed credit hours according to the following table:

the college Raised to the second year Raised to the third year Raised to the fourth year Raised to the fifth year
the pharmacy 28 64 100 136
Engineering 24 56 88 120
The rest of the colleges 24 56 88 -


A. The years of regular study for obtaining a bachelor’s degree in the different faculties are determined as follows:

 Collage Name Study years
Pharmacy 5 years
Engineering in all its specializations 5 years
Administrative Sciences in all its specializations 4 years


B- A student may not obtain a bachelor’s degree in a period of less than four academic years for colleges where the number of years of regular study is five years, and in a period of less than three and a half academic years in colleges where the regular study years are four years, and each Two summer semesters equivalent to one semester

C- The period a student spends registered to obtain a bachelor’s degree may not exceed eight academic years in colleges where the number of years of regular study is five years, and more than seven years of study in colleges where the number of years of regular study is four years

 D- A transfer student will deduct one semester from the upper limit of the study period to obtain a bachelor’s degree for every 15 credit hours counted for him, whether this transfer is from inside or outside the university.


Withdrawal, addition, academic postponement (freezing), withdrawal from the university, and re-enrollment

First - Withdrawing and adding courses

A- The student has the right to withdraw and add courses within a week from the beginning of the first semester or the second semester and within three days from the beginning of the summer semester, and the courses he has withdrawn are not entered in his academic record.

B - If the student wishes to withdraw or add one or more courses after the end of the add and drop period, he must submit an application according to a form issued by the Student Affairs Department that includes the opinion of the academic supervisor and the dean of the college who decides on the matter, and sends his decision to the Student Affairs Department:

1. If the withdrawal is made during the period before the end of the third week of the beginning of the semester, the student will be refunded 50% of the withdrawn course fee, and this course is not recorded in the student’s academic record.

2. If the withdrawal is made after the end of the third week of the beginning of the semester, a withdrawn grade (W: Withdrawal) is recorded for him next to the withdrawn course in his academic record. The fees for this course are not refunded and it is not included in the calculation of his average.

C- When withdrawing a course, the student's academic load is required to be no less than the minimum required in the semester.

Second - Withdrawal without fail

In the event the student withdraws all his courses within the relevant semester, he is considered frozen for that semester and receives a grade of withdrawn (W) in all the courses withdrawn in that semester. The student pays the full fees for these courses 

Third - Academic Postponement (Freezing)

A- If the student wishes to postpone his studies for a regular semester, he must submit an application according to the form issued by the Student Affairs Department before the end of the add and drop period for this semester after paying the minimum fees for the approved hours.

The student can take advantage of these fees to register during a whole year, and the dean of the college and the university president decide on this request and report it to the Director of Student Affairs, who in turn informs the concerned authorities of this.

B - A student may postpone his studies at the university for a period not exceeding four regular semesters or their equivalent, whether continuous or intermittent.

C- A new or transferring student is not allowed to postpone his studies until after a full regular semester has elapsed since he joined the university.

D- The postponement period is not counted within the period allowed for obtaining the degree of the degree.

Fourth - interruption

If the add and drop period in the regular semester has passed, and the student did not register and did not submit a request to the Student Affairs Department to postpone his studies, he is considered to have dropped out of study, and the phrase “dismissed due to interruption, unless he presents justifications showing the reason for his delay by the end of the week” is recorded in his academic record. The third day of the start of the regular semester, and a specialized academic committee considers his request, and if the student is allowed to register, the fines prescribed for late registration amount to 50% of the course fees. 

Fifthly - Withdrawal from the university:

If the student wishes to withdraw from the university, he must submit an application according to the form issued by the Student Affairs Department, and the phrase “withdrawing from the university” shall be recorded in his academic record.

Sixth: Re-enrollment:

A student withdrawing from the university or dropping out may submit a request to the Student Affairs Department to re-register at the university, provided that no more than three years have passed since his withdrawal or interruption. A specialized academic committee considers his application.

If he is re-enrolled, he will keep his previous academic record in full, provided that he completes the graduation requirements according to the study plan in force at the time of his re-enrollment. re-enroll it.

If the student does not want to keep his previous academic record, he will be re-registered as a new student, and the admission principles and tuition fees will be applied upon his re-registration.



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