First - Elements of Evaluation:

The student is evaluated in any course during the semesters through exams, tests, assignments and various activities consistent with the nature of the course, which shows the extent to which the student understands the scientific content of the course.

At the beginning of each semester, the College Council determines the courses in which an oral or practical exam is to be taken, in addition to the written exam.

Second - Distribution of grades:

A- The grades are distributed to the elements of the semester assessment (tests, assignments, activities and practical) and the final exam according to the following:

  1. Applied colleges (pharmacy - engineering): no more than 50% of the course mark is allocated to the semester work, provided that at least two exams are taken during one semester, and the final exam is allocated at least 50% of the final result and is comprehensive in writing.
  2. Theoretical colleges (administrative sciences - political sciences and international relations - languages and humanities) not more than 40% of the course marks are allocated to the work of the semester, provided that at least two exams are taken during one semester, and at least 60% of the final result is allocated to the final exam. It is comprehensively written

B- The semester work may include oral exams, reports, or all of these together, or some of them, as the course professor deems appropriate.

C- At the beginning of each semester, the college council issues a decision showing the distribution of grades for each of the semester work and the final exam for courses of a practical nature (field training) or research seminars and applied projects (graduation projects). This distribution is adopted by faculty board.

Third - Tests:

  1. The first test is conducted in the fifth or sixth week, and the second test is conducted in the eleventh or twelfth week of regular semesters. As for the summer semester, the first test is conducted in the third week and the second test is conducted in the sixth week.
  2. The student is informed of the test date at least a week before it is conducted, and a copy of the corrected papers is given to whomever of the students desires it within a week from the date of the test in regular semesters, and within /72/ hours in the summer semester, and the course professor corrects the error, if any. C- The course professor records the test scores on the lists prepared for this and sends a signed copy of it to the Student Affairs Department after ratification by the college dean.

Fourth - the final exam:

  1. The final exam for each course is held once at the end of the semester, and it may include oral or practical exams or reports for which a certain percentage is allocated, and these percentages may be changed by a decision of the College Council.
  2. It is not permissible to enter the final examination for those who did not obtain 25% of the mark of the semester work.
  3. The student must sit for the final exam for the course, and the student is considered to have failed the course if he/she obtains a mark of less than 25% in it or is absent from it without an acceptable excuse, regardless of the grades obtained in the previous assessments for this exam. It is awarded on a failing grade.
  4. The student who misses the final exam for a course with a medical excuse accepted by the dean of the college is given an incomplete report (I: Incomplete). If the student defaults and does not comply with this time, a failed F report is issued in the course, and this report is recorded next to that course in the student’s academic record.

Fifth: The duration of the exam:

The duration of each written exam is two hours, and the University Council, upon the request of the concerned department council and the approval of the College Council, may increase this period, and if the questions are automated, it may decrease this period.

Sixth: Student assessment:

  1. The final assessment of the student in a course is determined by summing the marks of the semester work and the final examination, and this total constitutes the student’s final overall mark in the course.
  2. The total score of the course exam is redressed to the correct one, regardless of the value of the fraction.
  3. The student’s results in his university studies are evaluated according to the following:

1- The maximum mark for the student in each course is (100) marks.

2-The student's minimum mark in each course is (50) marks.

3- Assessing the student's university study results based on his semester cumulative average and overall cumulative average, and based on that the consequences of success, warning, dismissal or remedial study.
Seventh- Questions and Error Handling:

  1. The course teacher is responsible for setting the questions of exams and exams related to his courses and correcting their papers. It is taken into account that the written exam questions are multiple and comprehensive as possible for all parts of the course and proportional to the duration of the exam.
  2. The University Council shall deal with the error that occurs in announcing the student’s exam result if the college does not rectify it in a timely manner, if it is proven as a result of a fundamental investigation conducted by the university administration that the student has no hand in this error.

Eighth- Announcement of results:

A- The College Council reviews the exam results in accordance with the rules governing the examination system and approves what is appropriate regarding the level of students’ grades in the various courses. The results are submitted to the dean of the college who approves them and sends them to the director of student affairs after keeping a copy of them in the deanship.

B - The Student Affairs Department enters the results and transfers them to the notebook and electronic academic records, and the student can know his results through his personal electronic account.

Ninth- Exam papers review:

  1. It is not permissible to reconsider the graded mark or re-correct the exam paper in the event of a material error related to the collection or fixation of marks, or the failure to correct the entire answer or the entire paragraph of a separate answer.
  2. It is not permissible for the student to view his exam paper unless the dean of the college deems it necessary, and he is informed in the presence of the course professor.
  3. The student may submit an official request for a fee specified in Chapter Eight to review his mark in the final exam for any course within a week from the date of the announcement of the result. If it is, the mark is modified by the course professor on the exam paper and this is confirmed on the student’s request, all of them are approved and certified by the university president and transferred to the Student Affairs Department to include the correct mark in the student’s academic record, and a fee for reviewing the exam papers is refunded in case of an error.

Tenth - Re-studying Courses:

If the student fails a course or wants to re-study it to improve his grade, he must attend all the course’s lectures and pay the full fees.







Exam instructions:
A- No student shall enter the exam hall after the distribution of questions, and the student is not allowed to leave the exam hall before half an hour has passed from the start of the exam.

B- It is not permissible for any student to take any device (mobile phone or other) with him to the examination hall and any book or paper, even if it is free of writing, except as permitted by the course professor. The answer must be written on the paper provided by the college and the writing should be in blue.

C- Students are prohibited from speaking during the exam, attempting to cheat, or doing any act that violates the exam system. In the event of a violation, the violating student is warned, and if he repeats the violation, he is removed from the exam hall by the exam hall president or the dean, and his exam is considered canceled in the course in which you are taking The violation is given a score of zero and referred to the Disciplinary Council.

D- Every student with whom his money is related to the course subject of the exam is found to be taken out of the exam hall by the head of the exam hall or the dean.

E - In all the cases referred to above, the head of the hall organizes a record of the accident, which is submitted to the concerned dean and signed by one of the observers.

f- In other cases not referred to above, the Disciplinary Board shall take the appropriate decision on each case separately.

G- Any student at the university shall be punished with dismissal from the university if it is proven that he impersonated another student with the intention of taking the exam on his behalf. Likewise, the student who entered a person in his place for this purpose shall be punished if it appears that this was done with his knowledge. If the plagiarist is not a student at Ebla University, he shall be referred to the competent authorities.

H- If fraud is proven after granting the certificate to the student, the certificate shall be withdrawn from him.





A- The following table shows the literal equivalent of the percentage points that the student obtains in a course, and the point equivalent to the percentage points is determined according to the following equation

Degree Celsius = (dot equivalent * 20) + 20

degree literal equivalent dot equivalent
98-100 +A 4.00
95-97 A 3.75
94-90 -A 3.50
85-89 +B 3.25
84-80 B 3
79-75 -B 2.75
74-70 +C 2.50
69-65 C 2.25
64-60 -C 2
59-55 +D 1.75.
54-50 D 1.50
أقل من 50 F 0
- Z deprivation due to absence
- W Withdrawal without failing
- I incomplete estimate


B- The university adopts the following table when determining the corresponding grade for each of the semester average and the student’s cumulative average:

dot equivalent   Rating
3,75-4.00 Honor
3.74-3.25 excellent
3.24-2.75 very good
2.74-2.25 Good
2.24-2 Acceptable
 less than 2 fail






semester average

A- The semester average (GPA: Grade Point Average) is calculated for each student at the end of each semester, which is the sum of the logical marks obtained by the student in the courses he studied during that semester, pass or fail, after multiplying each of them by the number of credit hours of the course divided by the total number of hours The credit that the student studied during the semester.

B- If the student’s transcript contains an incomplete grade (I) in one or more courses, the student’s average is calculated without considering these courses, and when this grade is removed and the course grades are completed, the average is recalculated.

C- The courses in which the student failed and obtained a grade (F) with a point (zero) are calculated in the point average.

cumulative average

A- The cumulative average (AGPA: Accumulated GPA) is calculated for each student at the end of each semester in the same way as the semester average, taking into account all the courses that the student has studied since the beginning of his studies until the date of calculating that average, pass or fail. Only the highest mark will be taken.

B- The courses in which the student obtained a grade of “withdrawal” are not counted when calculating the semester or cumulative average, and are not included in the calculation of the credit hours he studied.

C- The student who obtains a grade (Fail) or deprived (Z) in any course must re-register the course and study it again, if it is compulsory, or its equivalent if it is optional, as provided in the department’s plan, with re-payment of the approved fees and installments.

Honorary board

The name of the student who obtained a semester average equal to or greater than (3.75) shall be placed on the honor board, provided that his/her academic load is not less than /15/h. In that semester (except for the summer semester), and this is proven in his academic record.

First - Elements of Evaluation:

The student is evaluated in any course during the semesters through exams, tests, assignments and various activities consistent with the nature of the course, which shows the extent to which the student understands the scientific content of the course.

At the beginning of each semester, the College Council determines the courses in which an oral or practical exam is to be taken, in addition to the written exam.

Second - Distribution of grades:

A- The grades are distributed to the elements of the semester assessment (tests, assignments, activities and practical) and the final exam according to the following:

  1. Applied colleges (pharmacy - engineering): no more than 50% of the course mark is allocated to the semester work, provided that at least two exams are taken during one semester, and the final exam is allocated at least 50% of the final result and is comprehensive in writing.
  2. Theoretical colleges (administrative sciences - political sciences and international relations - languages and humanities) not more than 40% of the course marks are allocated to the work of the semester, provided that at least two exams are taken during one semester, and at least 60% of the final result is allocated to the final exam. It is comprehensively written

B- The semester work may include oral exams, reports, or all of these together, or some of them, as the course professor deems appropriate.

C- At the beginning of each semester, the college council issues a decision showing the distribution of grades for each of the semester work and the final exam for courses of a practical nature (field training) or research seminars and applied projects (graduation projects). This distribution is adopted by faculty board.

Third - Tests:

  1. The first test is conducted in the fifth or sixth week, and the second test is conducted in the eleventh or twelfth week of regular semesters. As for the summer semester, the first test is conducted in the third week and the second test is conducted in the sixth week.
  2. The student is informed of the test date at least a week before it is conducted, and a copy of the corrected papers is given to whomever of the students desires it within a week from the date of the test in regular semesters, and within /72/ hours in the summer semester, and the course professor corrects the error, if any. C- The course professor records the test scores on the lists prepared for this and sends a signed copy of it to the Student Affairs Department after ratification by the college dean.

Fourth - the final exam:

  1. The final exam for each course is held once at the end of the semester, and it may include oral or practical exams or reports for which a certain percentage is allocated, and these percentages may be changed by a decision of the College Council.
  2. It is not permissible to enter the final examination for those who did not obtain 25% of the mark of the semester work.
  3. The student must sit for the final exam for the course, and the student is considered to have failed the course if he/she obtains a mark of less than 25% in it or is absent from it without an acceptable excuse, regardless of the grades obtained in the previous assessments for this exam. It is awarded on a failing grade.
  4. The student who misses the final exam for a course with a medical excuse accepted by the dean of the college is given an incomplete report (I: Incomplete). If the student defaults and does not comply with this time, a failed F report is issued in the course, and this report is recorded next to that course in the student’s academic record.

Fifth: The duration of the exam:

The duration of each written exam is two hours, and the University Council, upon the request of the concerned department council and the approval of the College Council, may increase this period, and if the questions are automated, it may decrease this period.

Sixth: Student assessment:

  1. The final assessment of the student in a course is determined by summing the marks of the semester work and the final examination, and this total constitutes the student’s final overall mark in the course.
  2. The total score of the course exam is redressed to the correct one, regardless of the value of the fraction.
  3. The student’s results in his university studies are evaluated according to the following:

1- The maximum mark for the student in each course is (100) marks.

2-The student's minimum mark in each course is (50) marks.

3- Assessing the student's university study results based on his semester cumulative average and overall cumulative average, and based on that the consequences of success, warning, dismissal or remedial study.
Seventh- Questions and Error Handling:

  1. The course teacher is responsible for setting the questions of exams and exams related to his courses and correcting their papers. It is taken into account that the written exam questions are multiple and comprehensive as possible for all parts of the course and proportional to the duration of the exam.
  2. The University Council shall deal with the error that occurs in announcing the student’s exam result if the college does not rectify it in a timely manner, if it is proven as a result of a fundamental investigation conducted by the university administration that the student has no hand in this error.

Eighth- Announcement of results:

A- The College Council reviews the exam results in accordance with the rules governing the examination system and approves what is appropriate regarding the level of students’ grades in the various courses. The results are submitted to the dean of the college who approves them and sends them to the director of student affairs after keeping a copy of them in the deanship.

B - The Student Affairs Department enters the results and transfers them to the notebook and electronic academic records, and the student can know his results through his personal electronic account.

Ninth- Exam papers review:

  1. It is not permissible to reconsider the graded mark or re-correct the exam paper in the event of a material error related to the collection or fixation of marks, or the failure to correct the entire answer or the entire paragraph of a separate answer.
  2. It is not permissible for the student to view his exam paper unless the dean of the college deems it necessary, and he is informed in the presence of the course professor.
  3. The student may submit an official request for a fee specified in Chapter Eight to review his mark in the final exam for any course within a week from the date of the announcement of the result. If it is, the mark is modified by the course professor on the exam paper and this is confirmed on the student’s request, all of them are approved and certified by the university president and transferred to the Student Affairs Department to include the correct mark in the student’s academic record, and a fee for reviewing the exam papers is refunded in case of an error.

Tenth - Re-studying Courses:

If the student fails a course or wants to re-study it to improve his grade, he must attend all the course’s lectures and pay the full fees.







Exam instructions:
A- No student shall enter the exam hall after the distribution of questions, and the student is not allowed to leave the exam hall before half an hour has passed from the start of the exam.

B- It is not permissible for any student to take any device (mobile phone or other) with him to the examination hall and any book or paper, even if it is free of writing, except as permitted by the course professor. The answer must be written on the paper provided by the college and the writing should be in blue.

C- Students are prohibited from speaking during the exam, attempting to cheat, or doing any act that violates the exam system. In the event of a violation, the violating student is warned, and if he repeats the violation, he is removed from the exam hall by the exam hall president or the dean, and his exam is considered canceled in the course in which you are taking The violation is given a score of zero and referred to the Disciplinary Council.

D- Every student with whom his money is related to the course subject of the exam is found to be taken out of the exam hall by the head of the exam hall or the dean.

E - In all the cases referred to above, the head of the hall organizes a record of the accident, which is submitted to the concerned dean and signed by one of the observers.

f- In other cases not referred to above, the Disciplinary Board shall take the appropriate decision on each case separately.

G- Any student at the university shall be punished with dismissal from the university if it is proven that he impersonated another student with the intention of taking the exam on his behalf. Likewise, the student who entered a person in his place for this purpose shall be punished if it appears that this was done with his knowledge. If the plagiarist is not a student at Ebla University, he shall be referred to the competent authorities.

H- If fraud is proven after granting the certificate to the student, the certificate shall be withdrawn from him.





A- The following table shows the literal equivalent of the percentage points that the student obtains in a course, and the point equivalent to the percentage points is determined according to the following equation

Degree Celsius = (dot equivalent * 20) + 20

degree literal equivalent dot equivalent
98-100 +A 4.00
95-97 A 3.75
94-90 -A 3.50
85-89 +B 3.25
84-80 B 3
79-75 -B 2.75
74-70 +C 2.50
69-65 C 2.25
64-60 -C 2
59-55 +D 1.75.
54-50 D 1.50
أقل من 50 F 0
- Z deprivation due to absence
- W Withdrawal without failing
- I incomplete estimate


B- The university adopts the following table when determining the corresponding grade for each of the semester average and the student’s cumulative average:

dot equivalent   Rating
3,75-4.00 Honor
3.74-3.25 excellent
3.24-2.75 very good
2.74-2.25 Good
2.24-2 Acceptable
 less than 2 fail






semester average

A- The semester average (GPA: Grade Point Average) is calculated for each student at the end of each semester, which is the sum of the logical marks obtained by the student in the courses he studied during that semester, pass or fail, after multiplying each of them by the number of credit hours of the course divided by the total number of hours The credit that the student studied during the semester.

B- If the student’s transcript contains an incomplete grade (I) in one or more courses, the student’s average is calculated without considering these courses, and when this grade is removed and the course grades are completed, the average is recalculated.

C- The courses in which the student failed and obtained a grade (F) with a point (zero) are calculated in the point average.

cumulative average

A- The cumulative average (AGPA: Accumulated GPA) is calculated for each student at the end of each semester in the same way as the semester average, taking into account all the courses that the student has studied since the beginning of his studies until the date of calculating that average, pass or fail. Only the highest mark will be taken.

B- The courses in which the student obtained a grade of “withdrawal” are not counted when calculating the semester or cumulative average, and are not included in the calculation of the credit hours he studied.

C- The student who obtains a grade (Fail) or deprived (Z) in any course must re-register the course and study it again, if it is compulsory, or its equivalent if it is optional, as provided in the department’s plan, with re-payment of the approved fees and installments.

Honorary board

The name of the student who obtained a semester average equal to or greater than (3.75) shall be placed on the honor board, provided that his/her academic load is not less than /15/h. In that semester (except for the summer semester), and this is proven in his academic record.

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