Application the Generalized Steepest Descent Method to Obtain the Elementary Voltages for the Aleppo Electrical Network and Using it in Broyden Method

Mathematical modeling is used in different science domains. By using it we can construct several mathematical models. Solving these models, mostly, depend on numerical approximate methods, and especially the case when these models are represented by the system of linear or nonlinear equations. To solve these equations we depend on generation solutions with repeated forms such as Gauss, Gauss. Zaidl, Fixed Point, Newton, and Broyden methods. Beginning from an elementary value, which is a chosen estimation, and on which we depend, we determine the speeding of the convergence and the accusation of the solution which we get by certain accuracy. Problem compute voltages in Aleppo city network nodes to return (to give bake) into solve system linear or nonlinear equations, we obtained these variable in nodes network by considering it to consist of load nodes, control nodes and only one reference node.

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