تحديد آني لسرعتي التنوي والنمو البلوري انطلاقا من تجارب ترسيب كيميائي تلقائي متقطعة

A review of the literature shows that many methods for determining the nucleation and growth rates from batch precipitation experiments are inaccurate. Therefore, a new method has been developed to derive these two rates based on the simultaneous measurement of the supersaturation and the crystal size distribution during a batch spontaneous precipitation. All experimental data are used without any previous numerical treatment and the differential kinetic equations are replaced by integral ones to avoid numeric derivation. The kinetic parameters of the two postulated laws of nucleation and crystal growth rates in kinetic equations are separately determined by non-linear optimization.

جميع الحقوق محفوظة © 2024 - جامعة إيبلا الخاصة

نواكب مسيرة التنمية المتسارعة في سورية

السبت - الأربعاء 8:00 - 4:00