تصنيع مساحيق أكسالات المنغنيز والنيكل عالية الجودة في مفاعل أنبوبي جديد مجزأ التدفق

High-quality nickel manganese oxalates have been prepared using an innovative approach for the production of homogeneous powders, the continuous Segmented Flow Tubular Reactor (SFTR). This new reactor is mainly composed of a mixer, a segmenter, a tubular section and a decanter. Mixed Ni–Mn oxalates are synthesized in the SFTR. The powders present controlled morphology, narrow particle size distribution, high purity and desired stoichiometry. Their characteristics are compared to those of powders obtained in a batch reactor. These oxalates are precursors for nickel manganites, used as negative temperature coefficient thermistor (NTC) ceramics.

جميع الحقوق محفوظة © 2024 - جامعة إيبلا الخاصة

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