
د. عمر ريحاوي


دكتوراة في الهندسة المعلوماتية – جامعة ليل الأولى – فرنسا – عام 2014.

  • Omar.rihawi@gmail.com
د. عمر ريحاوي
الخبرات السابقة:


مدرس في كلية الهندسة المعلوماتية - جامعة حلب - منذ عام 2019.

مدرس في كلية الهندسة -قسم المعلوماتية والاتصالات.


3D-AD: 3D-autism dataset for repetitive behaviours with kinect sensor

Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) is a disorder that affects communication, social skills or behaviours of some people. Children or adults with ASD often have some common repetitive behaviours or self-stimulatory behaviours. These behaviours usually refer to specific behaviours such as flapping, rocking, spinning, etc. This work investigates these behaviours and provides a benchmark dataset for researchers. In our knowledge, this dataset is the first 3D-dataset available online 1 in the area of 3D recognitions of complex and repetitive behaviours of autistic people. The 3D-Autism Dataset (3D-AD) is captured with Kinect sensor. We explore different categories of autistic repetitive behaviours: static and dynamic ones, simple and complex ones. Experiments have been done using dynamic time warping to detect these behaviours - AVSS

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